For everyone who came to the show last Tuesday, may God's blessings be upon you. Everyone seems to have had fun. Some people heard some things they liked, others made some friends, some ate some oatmeal chocolate cookies, and some got Jon Hammed. I can't say enough good things about all my super sexy writers and it was very cool that they all came knowing they had only a chance of getting to read.
For everyone who didn't go, too bad, so sad. But here's a little taste of the event. Something I wrote for my introduction to the whole shindig, to introduce the theme of adventure:
When it was 9 o'clock he knocked off from his shift. He was tired but he wanted to do something. He called his friend but he didn't pick up. He drove to a greasy spoon diner ha had thought about going to for years. He was thinking about a slice of pie & a glass of milk. When he got there the lights were on, but there was no one inside and no silverware on the tables. He noticed a rental agency's sign in the window. It was gone for good. He went to a bar to have some fun. The bartender was too busy to talk. No one there bothered him. He drank one drink alone. He drove home & he ate crackers out of a box. He noticed a missed call from his friend. He returned the call & again he didn't pick up. He watched some of a movie. He fell asleep.
P.S. - I just looked up the word origin for "shindig." According to Merriam-Webster, it comes from the british word "shindy" (a fracas or uproar) which in turn comes from "shinny,"a version of hockey from the 17th century in which the players cried, "shin ye." This makes very little sense.
P.S.S - If you want a book with all 15 original episodes in
Pick Your Poison, our Choose-Yar-Oon-Adventure story (working on a way to advertise this without getting sued by Bantam Books), email us at and we shall work something out.
Psssst - Also, yesterday Sean and I both attended, and read at, Jerrod Johnson's Lone Wolf poetry reading at Iron Stone Cafe. It was a really elegant show with a lot of different voices going on and I think everyone there had a great time and no one got Jon Hammed.
That's all folks. Take her easy.