Hi, it's me everyone.
I'm in madison for the week doing some final work on Heavy Hands.
Making movies take forever - everything takes forever.
So I'm bringing that home, my band Hot Coffin is mixing our debut album "Law" right now, I'm shooting our music video and embarking on a new and challenging serial/film/show/short/project/entity called "Witchcraft"
I've been working on it for a while now and am in the early stages of it's creation.
I was thinking that after this movie was done, I would take a break and try to be a normal person and get a house and buy some new shoes and just concentrate on being human for a while.
Well fuck it, I'm going to do the opposite.
I'm going to make something more daring, dangerous or ambitious that I ever thought.
Keep an eye out for Hot Coffin's "Law"
Keep an eye out for "Heavy Hands" - coming to a theater near you.
Keep an eye out for "Witchcraft" coming soon to everywhere.
Also still distributing kickstarter rewards. wacka wacka.