This is a choose-thine-own-adventure-type project. It's an exquisite corpse anthology that also functions as one story with 8 endings that also functions as 8 good stories. It was edited by Parker Winship and written by that fellow along with Lee Odeja, Bethany Price, Sean Williamson, Mitch Olson, Jim Winship, Ilse Griffin, Artie Nosrati, Dan Oberbruner, Nick Kotecki and Dustin Williamson. Artwork is by Micah Bennker.
It's called Pick Your Poison. Sometimes it's a hardboiled heartbreaker and sometimes it's an epic poem and hopefully it's always fun to read. I've never seen anything like it elsewhere.
Below is the beginning. If you like it, keep reading here.
WAIT. Don’t go out there. Easy, fella’. Cool it down. Nothing to be afraid of so knock it off. Twist the heat to max and soak it in for ten more seconds. You didn’t do anything. You didn’t do anything. You didn’t do anything. … three, two, one. Kill the ignition. Pop the door.
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